
Selected Speeches Of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I


.... Although a small nation, Ethiopia is yet intimately concerned with the easing of the tensions which so unfortunately mar the realm of international relations today. Throughout Our lifetime, We have consistently maintained that in the principle of Collective Security rested the best hope for assuring the peace of the world, and We have given unstintingly Our support to the world organizations which have been created to assure the application of this principle. Throughout its brief existence, the United Nations has justified the faith which We have placed in it, and We shall continue to be steadfast in our support of the United Nations Organization.

Less than two months ago, a historic session of the United Nations General Assembly was convened at New York. At this meeting, seventeen states which had achieved their independence during the past year, of which sixteen are situated on the African continent, were admitted to this foremost of international organizations. This year's General Assembly was attended by the heads of several of the most prominent world powers, attesting both to the magnitude of the tasks facing the United Nations as well as to the increasingly crucial role which this Organization is assuming in world affairs.

Having Ourself laboured unstintingly for the reinforcement of international organizations devoted to the cause of peace and the strengthening of the principle of Collective Security, We sent a personal message to the opening session of the General Assembly in which We called upon the nations gathered there to spare no effort to reach wise and sound decisions designed to solve the problems which face the world today and to lessen the tensions which separate and divide nations. We despatched a delegation headed by Our Deputy Prime Minister to this Assembly, and We maintained constant contact with Our delegation to the end of giving them Our personal directives. The United Nations has now taken up its agenda in its component committees, and We trust that the results of these labours will amply justify the confidence which We and other world leaders have demonstrated in the Organization.

As a sovereign nation, jealous of her independence, Ethiopia has a duty both to her own people and to the other free peoples of the world to ensure that aggression will be resisted wherever and in whatever form it is met. It is today the duty of each state which is dedicated to the cause of peace to be prepared to fulfil its commitments to the United Nations in defence of the principle of Collective Security and to stand ready at all times to discharge these obligations. Ethiopia's armed forces have, during the past year, been built up to a high degree of efficiency. The Imperial Ethiopian Air Force has now been expanded to include jet fighters, furnished by the United States of America under its military assistance programme. Decisions have been reached during the past year which will result in further expansion of the ground forces of the Imperial Ethiopan Army and in the provision of additional equipment for Ethiopia's small but growing Navy. We pray that it may never be necessary to do battle, but We must, at the same time, be prepared to use these arms in resisting international aggression should events so require....

November 2, 1960.

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Electronic edition created and published online by members of the
Emperor Haile Sellassie First Theocracy Reign
Order of the Nyahbinghi

April 12, 2017