
Selected Speeches Of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I


The mobilisation proclamation, of 3rd October 1935, read by the Grand Chamberlain, read as follows:

The conflict between Italy and our country, which has now lasted for almost a year, started at Wal-Wal on 5th December, 1934.

Our soldiers, serving as an escort to an international commission, were attacked in our territory by Italian troops. Italy, following the attack, demanded reparations and apologies, which were refused.

When, after much resistance on Italy's part, we were able, thanks to our perseverance and the efforts of the League of Nations Council, to bring this difference before the arbitrators, they unanimously recognised that we were guiltless of the fault Italy imputed to us.

But Italy, which for a long time has shown an unconcealed desire to acquire our country, now prepares to attack us.

Renouncing the signature she gave to the League Covenant, violating peace promises solemnly made to us in the 1928 Italo-Ethiopian Treaty, and reducing to nothing all international engagements, notably the Pact renouncing war, Italy prepares a second time to violate our territory.

The hour is grave. Arise, each of you! Take up arms, and rush to the defence of your country. Rally to your chiefs; obey them with single purpose, and repel the invader!

May those who are unable because of weakness and infirmity to take an active part in this sacred quarrel, help us with their prayers.

The opinion of the world has been revolted by this aggression against us. God be with us all. All forward, for your Emperor and for your country!

October 3, 1935.

Electronic edition created and published online by members of the
Emperor Haile Sellassie First Theocracy Reign
Order of the Nyahbinghi

March 15, 2017