

Editor's Note

This online edition of Mrs. Sandford's biography has been created to benefit the sons and daughters of the Ras Tafari faith. It is an aid to the edification of the Ras Tafari nation that proceeds from close attention to the testimonies of those who had the opportunity to observe and relate with the Emperor. It is our hope that it will be replicated indefinitely from multiple locations, online and offline; to which end archives of the HTML (web) and the RTF (print) files have been provided.

The index has not been reproduced. No photographs have been reproduced, because the print quality of the paperback source did not support acquisition of clear, high resolution scans. The online edition does not purport to substitute for the print edition.

This work was initiated with the indispensable aid of my brethren in the faith, Michael Bockenek and Paul Cusin. I owe a debt of gratitude also to my brethren Ernestas Jancenkas, who did diligent proof reading of the drafts. I alone, however, am responsible for any errors that may be in this edition.

Finally, as none of our efforts can reach a fruitful conclusion without the gracious blessing of His Majesty, my eternal thanks and praises for the completion of this edition are offered to our divine majesty, Emperor Haile Sellassie I, God and King.

Isaiah Sellassie
New York City,
August 2021.

Electronic edition created and published online by members of the
Emperor Haile Sellassie First Theocracy Reign
Order of the Nyahbinghi

Crest of the Nyahbinghi Order

August 21, 2021