The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie I - Volume 2 |
CHAPTER VOUR LIFE AT BATH AND THE CHAPEL WE SET UP AT THE FAIRFIELD RESIDENCEMany people used to visit Us at Our home called Fairfield. The house had many rooms and was chilly. The view through its front windows always reminded Us of the hills of Harer. We never went to the theater or any other place of entertainment. Our only recreation was the time We spent chatting with Our children. We stayed awake late in the night reading books and writing the history of Our life. The books We read mostly included diplomatic histories and the biographies of patriotic leaders such as Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln and... [works] about the Christian church. Our life in Bath was very hard. We had financial problems. The media had reported that We had taken enough money when We left Our country, but it was completely untrue. The fact that We were in serious financial trouble in those days was an obvious fact. Hoping that We would soon return to Our country with the help of the League of Nations, We took an amount We thought was sufficient for a certain period of time, and even that was soon finished as We used it to help the exiles. When We first arrived in England, a British film company had invited Us to take part in a film called "Flight by Night," but We refused. The Texas Centennial Exhibition offered 100,000 dollars if We were prepared to appear in their show for two weeks and an additional 50,000 dollars if the show was extended to a month. Although We were aware that this would have helped Us with the problems We were facing then, We did not accept the proposal. A private association headed by an Englishman called Sir Norman Angell was organized to help the Ethiopian exiles and had assisted Us greatly by forming a fund raising committee. Even though the aid was insufficient to aid Our devastated country, it did help Our exiled people. In particular We remember the 100,000 dollar donation of the British Red Cross Association to Our refugees. The money We invested in the British Cable and Wireless Company, hoping to use it when the need arose, and all the money We should have received from different sources, was blocked. We asked the Cable and Wireless company mentioned above for the money We had deposited while We were in Our country, but the company refused to pay Us back on the pretext that Ethiopia was under Italy's control and the situation remained uncertain. We consequently hired a lawyer and sued the company. The [courts] made Us wait for many months to hear the decision, only to tell Us that the money would be given neither to Us nor the company, but instead would remain in the hands of the British government until the case between Us and Italy was settled. Since We were the ones who sued, We were made to pay all the court fees. We appealed, but the matter remained undecided. Nevertheless, many right-minded Englishmen made contributions to Us and Our exiles so that We could persevere. In particular the organization established under the name "Abyssinia Society" worked hard at [fund-raising]. This organization prepared and sent around a written memorandum to coordinate all those who wanted to help Ethiopia:
We used the money obtained in this way for Our own support and for those of the exiles in London, Jerusalem, and Egypt. We thus, more or less, maintained a meager existence. * * * When We were in Addis Abeba, We had the practice of rising early in the morning at 5:00 A. M. to go to church for prayer. Since there was no Orthodox Church or chapel at Fairfield, where We could go and pray to God, the practice was discontinued, although in a time of stress, We should have strengthened Our habit of prayer. After suffering a great deal from not having a Chapel, we sent [on Jan 20, 1937] the following letter to Etchege Gebre Giorgis in Jerusalem.
Accordingly, the monks sent to Us from Jerusalem, Abba Gebre Iyesus, Abba Gebre Mariam, Abba Haile Bruke and Abba Marcos [Agazh Yellew], arrived in Bath on Miazia 21 [April 28], with the Tabot of the Saviour of the World. The tabot was taken to the prepared gallery on Sunday, Miazia 24 [May 1], and it was consecrated on Easter day according to Our country's customs. From that time on, We practiced Our church's rituals... in accordance with Our Tradition. |
Electronic edition created and published online by members of the August 27, 2017 |