
Selected Speeches Of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I


We are indeed pleased to congratulate this class who have today received Certificates in law from the University - and to the teachers who have made your accomplishment possible by planning, organizing and carrying out this pioneer project. You may rightly take great pride in your accomplishment, just as We do.

The administration of justice, in a modern state, de­mands well trained qualified persons at every level. The introduction of the codes and the revised Constitution of Etlropia, as well as other legislation continuously coming from Parliament and the Government, has dramatically changed Ethiopia's legal system. The law of the Empire is now modern, complex and scientific in the sense that it has been prepared by experts after careful study. The administration of the law of the Empire increasingly demands highly trained persons.

In a real sense the development of the nation depends upon the development of our legal institutions.

The proper administration of justice requires a research for truth; therefore, the judicial function requires highly selected men. Judges shall be chosen from among those who studied law, and who sacrifice their personal interests to their duties.

An advocate who discharges his duty honestly is a judge. So the need for persons trained in law is obvious.

Thus We are pleased to learn that others are following hard upon the footsteps of this class. We are pleased to know that soon the number of Ethiopian lawyers holding a university degree in law will be virtually doubled.

We are especially pleased to see that so many judges and other civil servants and advocates are taking time to continue their education even as they continue to perform their regular daily duties.

Education is an ongoing task. The obligation to im­prove oneself does not cease simply because one has a regular job. This is certainly true for those who work in the administration of law and in legal counselling. We would urge that these persons must do all they can to improve, continuously, their professional capacities through further study.

Members of this graduating class: by sacrificing your time you have advanced yourselves and the nation.

We are confident that the qualification you have earned today will be recognized within the legal profession. We believe it should. We believe, too, that the professional attainment to be achieved by other students now studying law in other programmes of the Law School must be recognized.

Ethiopia needs a modern legal profession just as she needs the modern legal system she is building. The one cannot exist without the other. You - all of you who are taking University training in law - are helping the task of building a profession.

We congratulate you. We congratulate this class; take pride in what you have done by serving with continuing zeal and loyalty the Law of Our Empire.

November 25, 1964.

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Electronic edition created and published online by members of the
Emperor Haile Sellassie First Theocracy Reign
Order of the Nyahbinghi

November 16, 2016